No matter where you come from or where you've been in life, you're always welcome at Angleton Central assembly of god.

We believe that God is a God of transformation! When we come to Jesus, He gives us a new life. We no longer have to be bound by sin. We can walk in daily victory as we are led by God’s Spirit. Your new life is one act of obedience away. Come join us!

“Everyone who calls on the Lord’s name will experience new life.”
— Romans 10:13

Look what the Lord has done!

God is alive and makes us come to life! The following are just a few testimonies of the goodnees of God.

Go ahead, read on!

Kaylee and Zeke

“I have been attending Central Assembly of God in Angleton for a little over 3 years. I was a single mom who just went through a divorce, just moved back in with my parents, and was looking for community. I was depressed, didn’t know my worth, and felt like I needed a change fast. Central showed me what it looks like to love others as Christ loved the church, and because of that I truly had an encounter with God.”


gabi bodine

“I came to Central Assembly at the start of the pandemic- recently released from jail, with no direction and no sense of true identity. A friend invited me to a Monday night prayer service a week after I was released from jail. I’m so thankful she did. My life changed that night. Before coming to Central Assembly and surrendering my life to the Lord, I spent so much time trying to fill the emptiness in my heart with things the world had to offer. I would end up unsatisfied and feeling empty over and over. Saying “yes” to Jesus and His will for my life was the best decision I ever made. God restored and redeemed every part of my life. He healed my broken heart, and He showed me where to find my true identity & worth- in Him. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or haven’t done or where you’ve been. What He did for me, He can do for you.”


The Frankum’s

“We initially came to Central looking for a place for our kids to go, but little did we know it would be a such a special place for all of us. Central showed us there’s more than just knowing about Christ, we must be in relationship with Him. Central taught us the importance of serving others. Central has shown us love.”


Alex alvarado

“When I first was introduced to Central, I wasn’t even looking for God. I was driving by when I stopped by a traffic light. That day Central was having an outreach. They were handing out drinks, telling people about Jesus and praying for folks. Buddy Loggins handed me a coke and told me “Jesus loves you”. I didn’t think twice about it but the coke had a card attached to it which I put in my sun visor. Six months later I felt God pulling on my heart. I didn’t know what to do but I looked up and saw the card and a realized that a service was just getting started. I went and heard a message by Pastor G that felt like it was directed right at me. Since then the Lord has worked on me. He’s transforming me to who I am now, a man of God. The Lord has completely changed my life and He used the wonderful people at Central.”


The Strobel’s

“We moved to Texas from Kansas about 5 years ago and really struggled the first 2-3 years. Michael was transitioning out of the military after 12 years of service and was dealing with severe depression and a lack of purpose. I grew up in church, but was never challenged about my personal relationship with God. We found Central 2 years ago and it is what made this place feel like home. We have felt the love of family at Central and it truly has become our family. We have found new purpose in Christ and surrendered completely to Him. No matter your background or where you come from, you have purpose in life and you matter!”


Melissa Vallee

“In 2021 I was a broken mess, riddled with anxiety and depression. I couldn’t see my way out of it but I knew my answer was Jesus. My husband and I were told about a revival being held at Central Assembly, so we went. Let me tell you what, GOD MOVED! He changed me forever in a moment! He took all my fear, anxiety, and depression away and I will never be the same!! Praise God!”